About Us

Peak Building and Remodeling was established in 2015 and has been successfully serving the better Harrisburg area ever since. Learn more about our team:

Chris Semancik, Owner

Chris Semancik, Owner

Chris is the co-owner of Peak Building and Remodeling and the person behind all the amazing creativity that goes into every job. His non stop energy and attention for detail is what helps to set Peak apart from other contracts.

Mike Wonders, Owner

Mike is the co-owner of Peak Building and Remodeling and the person driving the success of our business. His attention to detail and business acumen are just some of what has brought Peak the success we see today. His quality craftsmanship, friendly and knowledge of the industry is what continues to make us stand out in the area.

Mike Wonders, Owner
Nicole Bell, Office Manager

Nicole Bell, Office Manager

Nicole has worked for Peak since January of 2020. As one of Peak’s very first customers to a solid contributor behind the scenes. Her customer focused nature and project management skills make her a great asset to the team by driving projects forward so the Team is ready to go when they arrive on a job site.

Tony Bower, Technician

Tony has been with Peak since 2015. Tony’s passion for craftsmanship and attention to detail help us to deliver quality work at every job.

Tony Bower, Technician